I’m finally doing some signings at home, and just in time for a new book! That’s right, this October a …
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I’m finally doing some signings at home, and just in time for a new book! That’s right, this October a …
Continue reading →Timberhaven. Helluva little town, isn’t it? A microcosm made up of What Ifs and I Wonders, with a pinch and…
Continue reading →“But Aaron,” you say. “July doesn’t start for another three days!” To which I say: it’s my site and I…
Continue reading →When I was a kid, comic book stores were magical places, like libraries where you could talk or toy stores…
Continue reading →In the summer of 2010, horror novelist Michael Gideon slipped away to parts unknown seeking the solitude to finish his…
Continue reading →I am closing in on my first goal after publishing Waking The Weaver, the 100 copies sold mark! It may…
Continue reading →That’s right, this weekend yours truly will be on PCBombcast, or, Pop-Culture Bomb-Cast (that’s their little bomb guy mascot/avatar up…
Continue reading →The time I’ve long awaited is finally here. The day when you can hold a book I’ve written in your…
Continue reading →Big happenings this week. I’m giddy with excitement! That being the case, I’m holding a raffle. If you’re a subscriber,…
Continue reading →Know why? Because here it is, the cover to my first novel, Waking The Weaver! “All small towns have secrets.…
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